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Sharing Resources for Gospel Impact

Take a look below at some of the tools and resource available to you and your church as we work together to make disciple-making disciples. 


The Pearl - PRBA

Monthly Newsletter

Want to know what's going on among Pearl River Baptists, here is the place for you to catch up and plan for the month ahead. 

Equipping the Saints for Ministry

Here is a list of resources available to Pearl River Baptists through the AMS and networking churches. 

  • Pastor & Minister search team training 

  • Deacon and security team Training

  • Small groups strategy training

  • Church planting and Evangelism training

  • Church revitalization / replant consultation

  • Leadership Training 

  • Missions strategy and partnership development 

  • Gospel coaching

  • Pulpit supply / Intentional interim / resumes 

  • Pastoral support and care 

  • Men's Ministry

  • Marriage and family seminar 

  • Worldview / Biblical Theology training 

  • Evangelism Training


- What's in your ministry toolbox?  -

Check out these great ministry resources articles!


Check out this free PDF of Spurgeon's catechism you can use with your family. 


Mail The Gospel 

For the price of a large coffee you can send the Gospel of Jesus through the mail in a booklet that clearly expresses the full message of the Gospel. You can personalize the message or send it anonymously to someone you know. Check out how to use this tool at...  

Mark Clifton - Replant Pt 1
Mark Clifton - Replant Pt 3
Mark Clifton - Replant Pt 2
Mark Clifton - Replant Pt 4

Gideon Life Book

Our local Gideon partners are supplying their dynamic Life Book (gospel of Mark) editions for every church participating in Saturate Pearl River County. Click the link below to have the Life books delivered to your church property. 

The 3 CIRCLES: LIFE CONVERSATION GUIDE helps answer common questions in a simple and memorable way so that you can begin to naturally and actively share it with others.


This is the confession of faith Southern Baptist Churches have agreed to hold in common. It is derived from the Word of God. 


This is a chart that helps explain how we as Baptist churches can do more by working together than we can do as individuals. 

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Church Resources

Here are some ministries available to you through our Churches

Retirerment resources


Partner with the Children's Village


Share your requests here


Sexual Abuse data base & resources


Partner with the BSU


3 Circles Evangelism Kit

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